Gender and climate change, Mozambique case study (Ribeiro, Natasha / Chaúque, Aniceto HBS)

The study was conducted in two communities of Gaza Province of southern Mozambique – Mapai-Ngale in Chicualacuala District and Magondzwene in Chibuto District. The former is located upstream of the Limpopo River and vulnerable to droughts while the latter is situated downstream of the same river and vulnerable to floods. The communities were selected based the following agreed common criteria for the region: rural, poor, vulnerable and already facing climate change effects. The main results of this study reveal that women and men are differentially impacted by climate changes due to the current power relations and their differentiated roles in these communities.

Copyright: HBS/HBF.



Created Date: 08-11-2015
Last Updated Date: 30-11-2015
License: Link only