NIE study report, Tanzania (Forum CC)

Currently, Tanzania does not have accredited National Implementing Entity (NIE) but have already conducted a national screening process and National Environment Management Council (NEMC) was selected and are on the process of NIE accreditation application at the Adaptation Fund (AF). The Vice President’s Office-Division of Environment (VPO-DoE) as the coordinator of climate change issues in Tanzania identified three organisations for national screening before starting NIE accreditation application process at the AF; these organisations were Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), Ministry of Finance (MoF) and National Environment Management Council (NEMC). The three organisations were first contacted by the VPO-DoE in January 2012 whereby they were given application form (which is same as the AF NIE accreditation application form) and were required to completely fill and submit this form to the VPO-DoE for review. According to the respondents, the three organisations did not get any feedback until after almost a year (December 2012/January 2013) when they received an official feedback letter from the VPO-DoE. The letter sent to NEMC indicated that NEMC were the successful organisation that will apply for NIE accreditation at the AF but it did not indicate the reasons for their selection. Also, the ones that were sent to COSTECH and MoF did not indicate the reasons for their failure. Surprisingly, none of these organisations asked VPO-DoE for more clarification or reasons.

in: Forum CC, Dar es Salaam, 2014

Copy Right: Forum CC, Dar es Salaam.


Created Date: 21-10-2015
Last Updated Date: 30-11-2015
License: Link only